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      沙發 DK-8907 單人位950W*920D*780H
      沙發 DK-8907 三人位2200W*920D*780H
      LMO-F0114/12 茶幾1400W*700D*450H/1200W*600D*450H
      LMO-F0106 方幾600W*600D*450H


      在簡約的外表與內在的氣質融合下 ,將此款產品的性格印染地琳琳琳盡致 , 

      加之於它硬朗的品格來襯托空間 ,使得該產品顯得華麗大氣 , 堅實耐用 ,邊與角苛刻的做工 , 

      精致的零件 , 似乎告訴您就是它最好的搭檔 , 產品的精挑選材 , 品質上的用心專一 , 設計
      中的現代氣質 , 因而就是這款產品的精髓所在…….
      Under simple appearance and inner temperament  fusion, will this product character and dyeing to
      Lin Lin Lin to, and in its hale foils with the character of the space, make the product appear gorgeous
      atmosphere, solid and durable, edge and Angle of  hard work and delicate mechanical parts, seems to tell
      you is to handle it the best partner, product fine choose  material, singular focus on quality, it is in the design 
      of  modern temperament, and so is the essence of the   product....

      Overall collocations effect




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